Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The jam has broke open!

Hallajulla folks! The road to Alaska has opened and a flock of gold seekers have left the area, only to be filled by the next wave of happy campers!  We were planning on busting out tomorrow come h*** or high water anyway, but this makes it more rewarding to go as far as we please knowing that we have a chance for a campsite! People are coming and going like nomads in training and we are delighted to be amoungst them!

Not long after the bombing of Pearl Harbor FDR appoved a plan to build an inland supply route from Canada to Alaska. Shortly after 8a.m. on May 14th, 1942 a pontoon boat carrying 17 men left the south end of Lake Charlie in Fort St John. With the distance of 12 miles from south to north they started out with their fitted canvas pontoon. Waters became choppy and by 2/3rd's the way the boat began taking on water. A homesteader and trapper ashore spotted the problem and began rowing out to rescue. His efforts were hindered by the waves and winter clothing and boots worn by the men, who were now in the water, boat swamped! Gustaf Hedin was able to successfully save 5 men as the others parished. We paid honor and a tribute to the 12 pillars surrounding this beautiful memorial.

Rosie spotted a bear and with quick reaction started a stand-off! The bear held it's ground and we swooped Rosie safely in our arms! 

An overlook at Fort St John....just trying to show you what northern B.C. looks like!
Tomorrow brings us new adventure as we break camp and hit the dusty trail. We'll check back in next time we have internet access! Happy trails! 


  1. That's my Rosie, she is a tough one. thanks for the history lesson too! Safe Travels. Sheila
